Dear users, Hortinergy will undergo maintenance on Tuesday, January 28th, and Wednesday, January 29th. Thank you for your understanding.
Nous vous informons que Hortinergy sera en maintenance les mardi 28 et mercredi 29 janvier. Merci pour votre compréhension.

Who are the users of Hortinergy?

You are :

We offer:

  • Hortinergy: modeling the climate of your greenhouse project and simulation of energy
  • “Expert consulting” support: an expert service to analyse the results, refine the simulations and define the most suitable design for your project.



  • Compare various technical solutions
  • Estimate your operating costs
  • Optimise your investment
  • Get objective and independent elements to discuss with greenhouse manufacturers and equipment suppliers

Expert consulting

Let our expert assists you with:

  • the design of your project and the energy system
  • or the audit of your existing greenhouses

Crop consultant:


  • Support your producers in their construction project by comparing various configurations and integrating modern techniques (semi-closed greenhouse, dehumidification, etc.). Therefore you can help them to design an energy efficient greenhouse with an optimal climate.
  • Simulate the impact of different equipment and regulation parameters with the same setting as a climate computer. You will help them to optimise their running costs.

Expert consulting

  • Our experts can help you with complex calculations such as leaf temperature.

Greenhouse or energy consultant


  • Carry out a feasibility study for your customers
  • Compare different transparent covers, screens, equipment…
  • Support your customers in defining their projects

Expert consulting

  • Our experts can help you with regulatory calculations, specific materials, particular shapes, specific equipment, advanced calculations…

Greenhouse builder:


  • Promote your technical offers with energy consumption and climate modeling as well as a technical and economical analysis of different solutions.
  • Save engineering time by using a specific software.

Expert consulting

  • Our expert can help you with complex calculations such as leaf temperature and light distribution.
  • We can also train your staff in thermal and energy calculation.

Equipment supplier:


  • Promote the advantages of your equipment with simulations of the energy consumption and modeling the inner climate and then comparing them with competing solutions.
  • Refine the sizing of your equipment according to the type of greenhouse, climate required and outdoor conditions.
  • Hortinergy can integrate specific input and output parameters for your equipment.
  • We can also develop a dedicated version of Hortinergy for your exclusive usage.

Expert consulting

  • Our expert help you with complex calculations.

Academic and research :


  • Develop a digital twin of your experiments like a virtual greenhouse.
  • Simulate configurations to reduce your number of experiments.
  • Simulate your experiments in different outdoor climatic conditions
  • Model the development of new technologies.
  • Hortinergy can integrate specific input and output parameters to your R&D
  • Train your students in energy efficiency and greenhouse climate control

Expert consulting

  • We can be partners in your R&D project and seek funding together.

With Hortinergy, you can simulate screen, sustainability, cannabis greenhouse, supplemental lighting, and calculate carbon tax rebate. We provide also trainings on energy consumption to be a greenhouse designer.